We empower innovators with the resources they need to turn the tide on the global mental and spiritual health crisis.  

1 in 8

U.S. adults take an antidepressant.

1 in 3

Young girls have thought about suicide.


Of all Americans have dealt with an untreated mental illness.

What We’re Doing Isn’t Working

The number of people suffering grows each day. Whether in your home, workplace, school, or church, you've likely felt the impact firsthand. The time to innovate is long overdue. Let’s partner together to find a better solution.

The Integrated Life Foundation is a Catholic community dedicated to equipping innovators with the resources they need to implement true change for parishes, schools, and families.

Here’s what we do:

Your pathway to champion innovation


We commission studies to increase awareness and explore better solutions, publishing findings in our digital quarterly journal.


We offer grants and strategic support to mental health professionals, educators, leaders, and caregivers, aiding them in implementing transformative care.

Personal Transformation

We lead retreats and pilgrimages designed to facilitate a personal connection with the transformative power of an integrated approach.

Let’s do better

Help us make trustworthy care accessible to all

With your help, we can create a world where everyone can thrive, especially those facing mental or spiritual challenges. Let's champion healthy priests, families, and Catholic schools to help individuals uncover their true potential and flourish.

From innovative care models to community empowerment initiatives, see how your contributions bring about tangible change.

Our Projects


A Commissioned Study

Marriage Preparation and Enrichment

Priestly Formation

Leading the conversation

Our quarterly journal is the home of case studies, research, and thought-provoking essays influencing the future of mental and emotional care in the Catholic Church. Read, share, and contribute to this crucial dialogue.

Sign Up for the Integrated Life Journal Today!