A lot of people are talking about the mental and spiritual crisis. We’re going to do something bold to make a difference.

Every day, too many souls are lost to anxiety, depression, confusion, and meaninglessness. We’re tired of sitting around and waiting for the world to come up with a solution. So, we started ILF to connect the authentically Catholic and psychologically sound innovators with the women and men capable of funding scalable solutions to make a real difference in real people’s lives.

Traditional Therapy Isn’t Enough

The prevailing approach to mental health care, dominated by a secular and disintegrated worldview, falls dramatically short. Current approaches:

  • Neglect God, biology, and the soul

  • Are overly reliant on medication 

  • Affirm mental issues as immutable parts of personality

  • Are built on a 60 minutes once-a-week model that is useful for tweaking, but not transformation 

  • Operate from a secular and disintegrated view of the human person

The Solution:

Integrated Care

Embracing an Integrated, Catholic Approach

The Integrated Life Foundation champions holistic and innovative models of care that see the human person as a composite of body, mind, and soul. This approach is designed to facilitate lasting healing and human flourishing.

Our rigorous project selection criteria reflect our absolute commitment to transforming mental health care globally. We invest in solutions that:

How We Invest

our essential questions


Is this project psychologically sound and trustworthy?


Does this project embrace a fully integrated and authentically Catholic approach?


Is this project scalable, making meaningful interventions accessible to many?


Does this project empower priests, families, and schools to offer immediate, effective support?

How You Can Help

By supporting the Integrated Life Foundation, you're contributing to a movement that seeks to address and revolutionize mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Together, we can bring about real change, ensuring everyone can reach their God-given potential and flourish.